What to Expect When you Schedule Your Appointment

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Plan & Design




Before we ever pick up the camera, we'll create a plan together for how and where these portraits will be displayed

Enjoy a portrait experience to capture your family and the love that ties you together. 

Select your favorite portraits to complete the design plan from our first meeting.

We'll deliver & install so you can proudly display your portraits in your home and enjoy them for years to come.

We make it simple for you

We Begin With The End in Mind

You know you need family portraits but what are you going to do with them? At CCB we begin with the end in mind.

Before we ever pick up a camera, we have a plan for where and how these photos will hang in your home or the story we want to tell with the photos in your heirloom folio box or in your family album.

Do you have a tall, skinny spot above your fireplace? Let’s create an amazing iconic image to hang there. Perhaps you want to start a family gallery incorporating older images with the new portraits you are commissioning. We can make that happen.

Your unique needs and concerns will guide your one-on-one collaboration meeting


Because I can't do what I do without you!

The Collaboration meeting begins the CCB Process.
This is where we begin to learn all about your family and kids. What their personalities are like? Who’s the rule-follower and who’s the rebel? Understanding your family dynamics allows us to capture their personalities and their relationships as they really are.

Your every question will be answered, including:
What types of clothing photograph best?
What are the most suitable areas of your home for your family portraits?

A full understanding of the investment you’ll be making based on the portrait plan we create.
And other burning questions such as whether or not to bring the family pet (the answer is, “yes!”)


If you’ve had your family photographed in the past, you might remember that it can be the teeniest bit stressful. Dad’s not on board and the kids didn’t nap (or woke up cranky). Not to worry. As the mother of three and a former elementary school teacher, Cate is familiar with all types of kid shenanigans at every age and stage. If you can get them dressed and get to the session location, we will handle the rest.

Whether we're out on location, in your home, or in the studio, we're ready to help you create treasured memories together during the session while freezing time in the photographs.

Select & Order

Approximately one week after your photo shoot, you will come to the studio for your View and Order appointment. Your View and Order appointment is the time set aside to finalize your portrait order, so be sure and schedule a time when both mom and dad (and any other decision maker) can be there.

Using our state-of-the-art software and photos of the walls in your home, we will show your portraits scaled onto your walls, which solves the problem of what size to order; not too big, not too small, but just right!

We will guide you every step of the way using your goals from the collaboration meeting to achieve your vision for your family portraits.

Request Your session

Deliver & Install

At CCB Photography we specialize in the finished product and, in our world, it’s not finished until that portrait is hanging on your wall. Whether it’s a large installation of your family gallery or a single, iconic image of your family or kids, we will deliver it to your home and professionally install it for you.

We will schedule delivery and installation after the portraits have been expertly printed and professionally framed.  Production times vary, but most take around 8 weeks.

We will always remember exactly what our kids were like at this precious age.

-katie & Chad

Our little girl kept talking about how much she "loved playing with Miss Cate"

-Emily & drew


When I look at those photos,
I remember times when we smiled,
especially when times were hard.

What our clients are saying